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56 Rare & Scarce Moth species recorded at Rough Bank

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Since 2012, the year when Butterfly Conservation purchased Rough Bank reserve, a total of 770 moth species have been recorded on the site and there is one other species only recorded prior to 2012. The Rough Bank Moths page gives a full species list.

56 of the species recorded at Rough Bank are rated as nationally rare or scarce in the UK. Most of these are believed to be resident on the reserve because of the habitat and the presence on site of their larval foodplants. Many of these species have been found here at least 3 times since 2012. The exceptions to this are indicated in the text below, though in some cases these have been found on site as larvae or larval mines rather than as adults which could have flown onto the site from elsewhere. Rough Bank was quickly recognised as one of the most important known sites in Gloucestershire for scarce moths. Frequent daytime recording visits since 2012 produced many of these records, others coming from light-trapping at night. It seems likely that several other Cotswold grassland sites would be found to support similar numbers of scarce species if subjected to similarly intensive surveying.

The majority of the rare & scarce species recorded at Rough Bank are micro-moths. The identification and recording of these, particularly as a daytime activity, is not as popular as the recording of the larger macro-moths which is done mostly by the use of ultra-violet light traps at night. All of the species have been recorded since 2012, and a few of them had also been found here as a result of a few site visits in earlier years. Several of the species photographs below are of specimens found at other Gloucestershire sites.

For micro-moths the national status is taken from Butterfly Conservation's Review of the Status of Microlepidoptera in Britain (T. Davis, January 2012). The Atlas of larger moths in Great Britain and Ireland published in late 2019 contains IUCN red list threat assessments which do not necessarily indicate scarcity. For those species the number of 10Km UK map dots for 2000-2016 is used here: at most 15 for rare species, 16 - 30 for scarce A, and 31 - 100 for scarce B. Of the 12 scarce macro-moth species shown on early versions of this page only 3 are now nationally scarce (more likely the result of more people recording than of range expansion). One species not previously rated as scarce now does qualify. Since the 2012 review, the use of pheromone lures has shown that some species are much more widespread than previous records suggested, and two such species are included here: Pammene suspectana and Pammene giganteana. The UK distribution of another species rated as a rarity has increased considerably since 2012: Lyonetia prunifoliella.

Following the publication of several amendments to the UK lepidoptera checklist, the scientific names of some of the species on this page have been changed from earlier versions of the page. The list gives common names for relatively few micros, so most of the names given here are from the micro-moth field guide published in 2023 which gave new names for many species, together with those names used for some years on various websites (where different).

National Rarities

8 nationally rare species have been found since 2012, most of which are resident on the unimproved grassland or elsewhere on the reserve. These species are given provisional Red Data Book status in the 2012 status review, though two are now recognised to be much more widespread than was known at that time.

Scarce Species (Na)

9 species rated 'Nationally Scarce A' (also known as 'Nationally Notable a', abbreviated to 'Na') have been recorded at Rough Bank since 2012. These are species believed to occur in from 16 to 30 10Km O.S. map grid squares in the UK.

Scarce Species (Nb)

39 species rated 'Nationally Scarce B' (also known as 'Nationally Notable b', abbreviated to 'Nb') have been recorded at Rough Bank. These are species believed to occur in from 31 to 100 10Km O.S. map grid squares in the UK.

Elachista species. The species listed below from this genus are all small, with wingspans in the range 7 - 10mm. Their larvae feed on sedges &/or grasses.
Elachista subocellea larva Elachista subocellea larva

Photos © Guy Meredith except where otherwise indicated.   Page last revised August 2024
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